Thanksgiving Sandwiches

Thanksgiving Sandwiches

Recipe Highlights


Time Required, Complexity and Extra-ness are based on a 1 (least) – 5 (most) scale. A note that “Extra” doesn’t equal difficult—things can be surprisingly simple but not at all basic.

While I’m not someone who normally enjoys leftovers, sandwiches made from leftover Thanksgiving dishes have to be one of my favorite foods. I’m content eating one or two a day the weekend after Thanksgiving and don’t think I would ever get sick of these sandwiches. I’m sure a lot of people feel strongly about their sandwiches made from leftovers, as do I, and this is my personal favorite (and to be honest, it’s really all about a generous layer of cheese).



Lightly toast both pieces of bread immediately before assembling. Spread one slice with the cranberry and the other slice with the Délice de Bourgogne. Use the piece of bread with cranberry as your base piece, then pile on the stuffing, turkey, and brussels sprouts salad before smushing down the second piece of bread (with the cheese) onto the top. I find this layering helps prevent ingredient slippage, but things are bound to fall out as this is a messy salad.


  • Sandwich ingredients should be cold or at room temp, not warm. The juxtaposition of fresh, warm, toasted bread and cool ingredients creates some of the magic! 

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