Aperol Spritz Plus

Aperol Spritz

Recipe Highlights


Time Required, Complexity and Extra-ness are based on a 1 (least) – 5 (most) scale. A note that “Extra” doesn’t equal difficult—things can be surprisingly simple but not at all basic.

On my most recent trip to Palm Springs I stayed at Holiday House, which must be one of the cutest, most Instagramable boutique hotels. With the weather over 110 degrees, staying in the pool as much as possible was the number one goal of the trip. In between drinking excessive amounts of water, several Aperol Spritzes were consumed each day. While everyone knows and loves the Aperol Spritz, the ones at Holiday House were unique based on appearance alone—theirs had a brown tint to them based off the addition of bitters. While I’m not sure what bitters they use to get such a distinct color (because mine look standard), adding angostura bitters to your at-home Aperol Spritzes elevates and enhances them.


  • 4 ounces prosecco
  • 2 ounces Aperol
  • 2 ounces soda water
  • 2-4 dashes of Angostura bitters
  • Twist or wedge of citrus, such as orange or lemon


Fill a wide-bowled glass (such as a red wine glass) halfway with cubed ice. Pour in prosecco, aperol, soda water, and bitters. Give a stir and garnish with a slice fr lemon or orange (or peel of zest from either). Prepare to be wowed by the addition of additional aromatics!


  • Play around with the ratios of prosecco, Aperol, and soda. 3 parts prosecco, 2 parts Aperol, 1 part soda is standard, but I like to modify the classic to better suit my tastes. Feel free to do the same and find your own perfect ratio.
  • Play around with bitters flavors! An orange bitters is delightful here, angostura just happens to me my preference.
  • Don’t have Aperol? Campari Spritz is a thing too! Experiment with the flavors of different aperitifs.

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